The integration and synthesis of multiple stakeholder insights is the most powerful enabler to improving retail demand forecasts today. A great deal of progress has been made in the retail and manufacturing industry around the development of internal and external collaboration processes using the S&OP and CPFR frameworks. The opportunity now is to effectively link these processes together to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts which is the main objective of this article. NIKHIL SAGAR | Nikhil Sagar is Vice President, Retail Inventory Management for OfficeMax Incorporated. In his five and a half years in this role, he has been responsible for the development of multiple CPFR relationships across key suppliers in the Office Supplies industry. He has also been instrumental in laying the foundation for a multi- tiered internal collaboration process to manage inventory risks using the S&OP framework of consensus forecasting and supply-demand matching. His previous career experience includes five years at Whirlpool Corporation where, as Senior Project Manager of Supply Chain Strategy, he played a central role in the design and implementation of the CPFR processes with their ...

From Issue: Winter 2010
(Winter 2010-2011)

Delivering the Plan: The CPFR and S&OP Continuum