After the financial markets melted down, some of the blame was attributed to the models and computer systems that had been put in place by so-called “quants” or math whizzes, who had developed very sophisticated mathematical models to make trading decisions. While the systems did not trigger the meltdown, they certainly set the markets into a more rapid tailspin. What did they do wrong, and what can forecasters, who are also “quants,” learn from the meltdown? First and foremost they should take and live by a modified Modeler’s Hippocratic Oath that was developers by two financial quants. LARRY LAPIDE | Dr. Lapide is a Research Affiliate at MIT and a Lecturer at the University of Massachusetts, Boston Campus. He has extensive experience in industry, consulting, business research, and academia as well as a broad range of forecasting experiences. He was an industry forecaster for many years, has led forecasting-related consulting projects for clients across a variety of industries, and has researched as well as taught forecasting. He was also a market analyst researching forecasting and supply chain software. (This is an ongoing column in The Journal, which is intended ...

From Issue: Summer 2011
(Summer 2011)

Forecasting Lessons from the Financial Meltdown