hoW To ouTsourcE succEssFuLLY LiFE cYcLE ManagEMEnT ForEcasTs By John E. Triantis Describes in detail what is needed for the success of outsourcing life cycle management forecasts … discusses four case studies to get a handle on the issues … collaboration among different stakeholders is the key. O O utsourcing has been used extensively for more than 15 years with two objectives: Cut costs and improve service level. The work that is often outsourced is the repetitive work; the strategic work is often kept at home. Forecasting is outsourced particularly by companies that do not have their own forecasting function, and by those which recognize its importance. Life cycle management (LCM) of the maturity or declining stages of products is an area of opportunity that often is not fully tapped. A key function within LCM is sales forecasting and demand management. However, forecasting capabilities in some industries have not kept up with the needs. One way to satisfy the increased forecasting needs is to outsource the LCM forecasts. Outsourcing is driven not only by increased LCM forecasting needs, but also by business expansions, lack of internal forecasting organizations (IFO), ...

From Issue: Summer 2009
(Summer 2009)

How To Outsource Successfully Life Cycle Management Forecasts