INTEGRATED BUSINESS PLANNING: A Roadmap to Linking S&OP and CPFR By Larry Smith, Joseph C. Andraski, and Stanley E. Fawcett EXECUTIVE SUMMAR Y | Uncertainty andpoorinformationreducedecision-makingeffectiveness,increasecosts,andlowercustomerservice.Yet,muchoftheinformationweneedtomakedecisionsis known by someoneelseinour firmorsupply chain.Thisarticleshowsthatwhentwoprograms—SalesandOperationsPlanning (S&OP) andCollaborativePlanning, ForecastingandReplenishment (CPFR)—areintegrated,they providetheinformationweneedfordecisionmaking. Key successfactorsandperformanceoutcomesarealsodiscussed. LARRY SMITH | Mr. Smith is Senior Vice President of Merchandise Planning and Replenishment at West Marine. For the past 10 years, he has directed the Planning and Merchandising Operations functions at West Marine creating a cutting-edge and scalable supplier collaboration (CPFR) program. He is a frequent speaker at major industry conferences. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Voluntary Interindustry Commerce Solutions Association (VICS) and Co Chair of the VICS CPFR Committee, which is responsible for leading one of the most successful interindustry supply chain collaboration ...

From Issue: Winter 2010
(Winter 2010-2011)

Integrated Business Planning:A Roadmap to Linking S&OP and CPFR