AlthoughDickisnolongerwithus,what welearnedfromhimwill alwaysstay with us, including the importance of people over technology, the importance of training, and the importance of using accurate forecasts.Hebelievedthatthe successinbringinga changein an organization comesininches, notin miles.Furthermore, we mustalwayslookfor new andbetter ways ofdoingthings. LORA CECERE |Ms.CecereisaPartnerwithAltimeterGroupandthe authorofenterprisesoftwareblog “Supply Chain Shaman, whichfocusesonthe useofenterprise applicationstodrive supply chainexcellence.As anenterprise strategist,shefocusesonthe changingfaceofenterprisetechnologies.Her currentresearchtopics includethedigitalconsumer,supplychainsensing,demandshapingandrevenue management,demand-driven value networks, accelerating innovation through open design networks, the evolution of predictive analytics, emerging businessintelligencesolutions,andtechnologiestoimprovesafeand secureproductdelivery. T T his month, while I was in Shanghai attending the IBF ForecastingConference,Ilearned of the death of Dick Clark, the Demand Planning Global Process Owner atProcter&Gamble.Dick was always one of my favorite interviews for my reports. Not only was ...

From Issue: Fall 2011
(Fall 2011)

Lessons Learned from Dick Clark