Smart organizations share common goals and performance metrics. They are also nimble and work collaboratively, focusing on sustainable strategic objectives. They take a more balanced approach that looks horizontally across the supply chain, virtually eliminating silos and optimizing the process from market-tomarket and supplier-to-supplier’s supplier. The new focus on the value supply chain is how companies can listen to their customers, assess the market, and then create a more accurate demand response. Copyright © 2013 Journal of Business Forecasting | All Rights Reserved | Spring 2013 5 CHARLES W. CHASE, JR. | Mr. Chase is the Principal Industry Consultant in Demand Synchronization, for the Manufacturing and Supply Chain Global Practices at SAS Institute, Inc. He is also the principal solutions architect and thought leader for delivering demand planning and forecasting solutions to improve SAS customers supply chain eciencies. He has more than 20 years of experience in the consumer packaged goods industry, and is an expert in sales forecasting, market response modeling, econometrics, and supply chain management. Prior to that, he worked for various companies including ...

From Issue: Spring 2013
(Spring 2013)

Putting M arketing Back in S&OP