Demandplanningplaysaveryimportantroleinmanagingbusiness.Heretheauthor describes sixkeystepsto ensure an effectivedemandplanningprocess.The stepsinclude specifyingtheprocess roadmap, bridgingthe cross-functionaldisconnects, creatingorganizational awareness and commitment, outliningkeyperformance indicatorsto evaluateperformance,implementingsystems andtools, andmanagingchange. KRISHNAN CHIDAMBARAM | Mr.ChidambaramKrishnanisaprofessionaltrainerand consultantin SupplyChainManagement(SCM).Hehas over14years of experience(primarilyinDemandPlanning)in leadingcompanieslikeNestléandNokia.He now runshis own company,KProSolutions, whichspecializes inSCM.Heis alsotheHeadofProductDevelopmentatPredictaSolutions. S S imple initiatives add up to big gains. Many professionals feel that establishing a robust demand planning process in an organization is a long and arduous journey.Undoubtedly, there are many challenges, but focusing on some simple steps can make this journey a lot smoother, more enjoyable, and lead to a satisfactory outcome. Here are six simple stepsthat cango along way toward ensuring success and sustaineddemandplanningprocess. StEP NO. 1 DOCUMENT PROCESSROADMAP ...

From Issue: Fall 2011
(Fall 2011)

Six Simple Steps to an Effective Demand Planning Process