Some obServationS on the meaSurement of forecaSt error and accuracy by ranga Katti In computing percentage error, it is better to use actual as a divisor because we want to know how the forecast deviates from the actual, not how the actual deviates from the forecast ... the use of forecast as a divisor dampens the over- forecast error … error can be more than 100%, but not accuracy. F F orecast accuracy (PA) is defined as one minus percentage error (PE), which can be expressed as PA = (1- PE) × 100% where PE = | (Actual – Forecast) | / Actual. Forecast accuracy falls between 0% (worst forecast) and 100% (perfect forecast), but PE can be greater than 100%. If PE is 100% or more, then forecast accuracy will remain at 0%. Therefore, forecast accuracy should be expressed as PA = Max {(1- PE) × 100%, 0%} Table 1 gives the percentage error and accuracy of five hypothetical SKUs (A through E). It shows that the percentage error of SKU-A is 5,400% and its accuracy is 0%. In the case of SKU-E, the percentage error is only 163% while its accuracy is still 0%. However, if the actual value is zero, then the percentage error will be infinite, but forecast accuracy will remain ...

From Issue: Summer 2008
(Summer 2008)

Some Observations on the Measurement of Forecast Error and Accuracy