The year 2014 will not be remembered for dramatic improvement in output and employment. Rather, there has been a continuation of the prior five years of gradual steady growth. Concern over the U. S. economy backsliding has subsided. There are some risks in both domestic and international financial markets, but they seem unlikely to derail the expansion at this time, according to Ray Perryman of Perryman Group. Consensus is projecting GDP to grow at the rate of 2.4% during the consensus period. Job gains in better paying jobs are expected to boost employment and real income, which are critical for continued economic expansion, The U.S. Economy— Slow, Albeit Improving By Jamal Nahavandi, Ph.D. Dr. Nahavandi is Associate Professor of economics at Pfeiff er University School of Graduate Studies, special izing in Business Economics, International Business, and Healthcare Economics. The information in this forecast is gathered by the Journal from sources it considers reliable. Neither the Journal nor the individual institutions providing the data guarantee accuracy; nor do any of them warrant in any way that use of the data appearing herein will enhance the business or investment ...

From Issue: A New Approach to Effective Demand Planning
(Summer 2014)

The U.S. Economy—Slow, Albeit Improving