*THIS IS A VOIP ONLY SESSION.* You will need a headset or computer speakers to hear audio.
Scenario planning and dynamic simulation look at changes in key drivers that impact supply, demand, inventory, and other variables. In other words, looking into the future to see how changes across these variables could impact the business. Scenario Planning done well and done constantly gives you the freedom to explore different options before they occur, allowing for better preparation and planning. This dramatically improves the effectiveness of your S&OP process but what tools and methodologies do you need? This session will reveal how to close gaps in strategic and operational planning, highlight risk and opportunities, develop playbooks, and be ready to react to multiple scenarios in order to mitigate such risks.
Hear Pat speak at ASCM/IBF's upcoming BEST OF THE BEST S&OP CONFERENCE on June 13 – 14, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois!
You will learn:
- How to minimize surprises, ranging from 6 months to 10 years in the future
- How to select and prepare scenarios for an efficient executive S&OP meeting
- How to react to multiple unexpected situations and limit damage to the bottom line