many emerging market economies, including China, India, and Brazil. Optimistic policy makers in the leading industrial countries and international organizations counted on continued high economic growth in the emerging market economies led by internal policies, proposing and implementing excessive fiscal and monetary stimuli. As fiscal policy was quickly neutralized amid unsustainable INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Dr. Simos is Director of Forecasting at, a division of Infometrica’s Data Center, 65 Newmarket Road, Durham, NH 03824, U.S.A.,, This report does not purport to be a complete description of global economic conditions and fi nancial markets. Neither the Journal nor Infometrica, Inc. guarantee the accuracy of the projections, nor do they warrant in any way that the use of information or data appearing herein will enhance operational or investment performance of individuals or companies who use it. The views presented here are those of the author, and in no way represent the views, analysis, or models of Infometrica, Inc. and any organization that the author may be associated with. At the close of 2013, ...

From Issue: The S&OP Tension Convention: Two S&OP Pros Square Off on the Issue of Conflict within the Process
(Winter 2013-2014)

INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC OUTLOOK: Emerging Economies Stall Growth in Industrial Countries