Building A Holistic Supply Chain With Consumption-Based Forecasting & Planning
Over the past 30 years, the approach to demand planning at most retailers and CPGcompanies has remained stagnant, despite the increasing availability of data, advanced analytics, and technology. As a result,retailers and CPG supply chains lack true demand visibility leading to manual overrides and increases in buffer stock. We canuse consumption-based forecasting and planning to solve these problems, gaining a clear picture of demand and linking it tosupply planning for the supply responses. This approach creates the much-needed ‘holistic supply chain’ and, in the comingyears, will become the new normal for retailers ...
From Issue:
Building a Holistic Supply Chain with Consumption-Based Forecasting & Planning
(Fall 2020)
IBF Journal Article by Charles Chase, CPF, originally published in Fall 2020

Building A Holistic Supply Chain With Consumption-Based Forecasting & Planning