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Research Reports
IBF Research Report #21
Turnover is always an issue, more so in demand forecasting and planning
as it requires a special skill set, making it difficult for companies to find
qualified candidates. Additionally, companies invest heavily in training
such professionals and so don’t want to lose them. There are a number...
IBF Research Report #20
The S&OP/IBP process stands on three crucial pillars: people, process, and technology. By understanding the components of each pillar, we can develop a most successful process. For that, we mined survey data gathered during a multi-year period by the Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning...
IBF Research Report #19
The Covid-19 pandemic was certainly an unusual phenomenon. Its impact was sudden and dramatic. It was not only local or regional but felt all over the world. Forecasting demand during this time was quite challenging because of unprecedented and rapid changes in consumer behavior. Consumer...
IBF Research Report #18
It is widely recognized that success in S&OP depends on people, process and technology. But what kind of people, process and technology do we need? To answer this question, we data mined the responses to an Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning (IBF) survey to ascribe a forecast error...
IBF Research Report #17
We are living in a time where market dynamics are changing rapidly. The number of products are exploding, channels of distribution are proliferating, and markets are becoming more and more competitive. Companies are experiencing competition not only from within the industry, but also from outside....
IBF Research Report #16
Supply chain plays an important role in demand planning, without it, demand cannot be managed. In fact, in a large number of companies, the forecasting function resides within the supply chain. According to IBF's recent research, in 52% of companies, the forecasting function resides in Supply...
IBF Research Report #15
The Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) process is regarded as the greatest innovation for managing demand. Many books are written on the process. Speakers at S&OP, demand planning, and forecasting conferences tout about its value, and talk about what they have achieved. They have significantly...
IBF Research Report #14
It is difficult to arrive at one fixed number of SKUs that a forecaster can manage, because situations vary from industry to industry and company to company. There are several factor at play.
Table of contents:
How Easy or Difficult to Forecast
Cost of Forecast Error
Level of Aggregation Required...
IBF Research Report #13
The primary benefit of benchmarking is to check the overall health of your forecasting efforts. This health check is not only important, but also essential to an organization's long term forecasting success enabling you to measure your current position against industry standards.
Table of contents:
IBF Research Report #12
It is not uncommon to hear the frustration about turnover of personnel in the forecasting and planning profession. “We invest a lot of money in training them, but they leave.” This may be because their salaries are not competitive, while other companies offer much more.
Table of contents:
IBF Research Report #11
Since forecasting is a fairly young industry, both companies and forecasting professionals want to know the current salaries for different ranks in the area. Companies want to be sure that they are offering competitive salaries. Forecasting professionals, on the other hand, want to know if they are ...
IBF Research Report #10
The success of any business depends primarily on people, process and technology, though people are the most important component. To get the most from them they have to be motivated, which depends, among other things, on how well they are compensated for their services. In this report we investigate ...
IBF Research Report #9
This is a highly specialized study in which we have benchmarked demand planning, forecasting, and S&OP practices in the Aerospace industry. Although there are not too many players in this industry compared to other industries such as CPG, its role in the economy is quite significant with...
IBF Research Report #8
Over the last two decades or so, a number of developments have taken place; some helped to improve forecasts, and others made them worse. The advancement in computer technology improved our computing power and enabled us to use even the most sophisticated algorithms, which were previously...
IBF Research Report #Q2_2015
It is difficult to arrive at one fixed number of SKUs that a forecaster can manage, because situations vary from industry to industry and company to company. There are several factors at play. It depends on how easy or difficult it is to forecast, what the lead time is, the cost of forecast error,...
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What is Croston’s Intermittent Model?
Designed to deal with sporadic demand (no seasonality) with a two-step process. The main goal is to provide a good safety stock, resulting in a situation where there is neither over or under stock. This is accomplished by considering two aspects of the data: the demand size and the…
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