Case Study: How S&OP Transformed The Fortunes of a Loss-Making Plant
Here I present a case study of using S&OP and change management techniques toturnaround the fortunes of a struggling plant. The plant was unprofitable and on time delivery was poor, and it suffered froma series of systemic problems including siloed functions and a culture of blame that pervaded throughout the organization.To tackle the underlying causes of this poor performance, we developed a solution based on 4 key elements: The Team,Robust S&OP, System Health, and Root Cause Analysis. This article reveals how these elements were implemented and thetransformational change they brought ...
From Issue:
Building a Holistic Supply Chain with Consumption-Based Forecasting & Planning
(Fall 2020)
IBF Journal Article by Nate Macon, CPF, originally published in Fall 2020

Case Study: How S&OP Transformed The Fortunes of a Loss-Making Plant