Demand Planning Culture: Building An Environment Where Demand Planners Can Succeed
The typical approach to improving demand planning performance is to invest in expensivesystems, establish elaborate processes, and hire for specific functional skillsets. The performance of Demand Planners andthe overall function, however, depends on much more than this. A supportive culture is critical for any Demand Planner tosucceed, and key elements should be in place before we start analyzing Planners’ performance. Appropriate training, useof the right tools, support from senior leadership, the right incentives, and non-quantitative performance metrics are allvaluable ways to set your team ...
From Issue:
Building a Holistic Supply Chain with Consumption-Based Forecasting & Planning
(Fall 2020)
IBF Journal Article by Daniel Fitzpatrick, originally published in Fall 2020

Demand Planning Culture: Building An Environment Where Demand Planners Can Succeed