Fall in Investment Predictive Analytics Signals Continuation of Growth Slowdown By Evangelos Otto Simos
Time series forward-looking GDP predictive analytics highlight the risks to the near-term outlook for turning points in the global growth cycle. Evidence from the first quarter of 2019, modeled from real-time data, combined with business executives’ expectations up to the third quarter of 2019, provide a rolling four-quarter assessment of the future path of GDP. Compared to the official GDP data for the third quarter of 2018 published by national statistics agencies around the world, e-forecasting. com’s GDP predictive analytics foresee a high risk of substantial global economic slowdown in 2019.
From Issue:
Machine Learning in Supply Chain Planning– When Art & Science Converge
(Spring 2019)
IBF Journal Article by Evangelos Otto Simos, originally published in Spring 2019
Fall in Investment Predictive Analytics Signals Continuation of Growth Slowdown By Evangelos Otto Simos