Integrated Business Plans: Tastykake’s Journey
An efficient demand planning process requires integrated business plans where different business functions work together with the one-number philosophy. This often is not the case. The author of this article shares his experience and describes the best way to design and implement a process and, after implementation, how to take it to the next level. He also shares hurdles that come along the way, and how to overcome them. JEFFREY MARTHINS, CPF | Mr. Marthins is the Director of Supply Chain Operations at Tastykake, where he oversees demand planning and forecasting. He has been working with the company since 1985. Before taking on this responsibility, he worked in manufacturing. Marthins initiated the demand planning process, and then S&OP after 90 years of the company’s existence. He has spoken on numerous occasions at the IBF conferences, sharing his experience in creating and developing multiple processes from the ground up. He is a Certified Professional Forecaster (CPF). Integrated Business Plans: Tastykake’s Journey By Jeffrey Marthins Flying home from the West Coast recently, I realized how we take for granted a smooth flight. We sometimes forget how many people ...
From Issue:
7 Behaviors of Great Demand Planners
(Spring 2015)