Why Is the S&OP Process Stuck in Third Gear?
Every professional intuitively knows that Sales and Operations Planning/Integrated Business Planning (S&OP/IBP) are struggling to show the results they signed up for 30 years ago when the process first emerged. It may not be that the process is broken; rather, it is stuck for many organizations trying to keep up with the new business environment of today. By rethinking the people, process, technology, and mindset, you can transform a business process that may keep up with the business landscape of tomorrow. In this article, we will discuss the evolution of S&OP/IBP to an evaluated business process, Business Efficiency Planning (BEP), to help focus an organization, and achieve measurable results.
From Issue:
How Does BASF Group’s Chemical Intermediates Division Use S&OP for New Product Introductions?
(Fall 2017)
IBF Journal Article by Eric Wilson, Sanjiv Raman, originally published in Fall 2017

Why Is the S&OP Process Stuck in Third Gear?