Special Issue: Women in Demand Planning and Forecasting
Winter 2018-2019
Journal of Business Forecasting Volume 37 | Issue 4 | Winter 2018-2019
This special issue is written almost entirely by women in demand planning. With different perspectives on the field, you’ll not only gain technical insight relating to performance indicators, forecast accuracy and bias, but also collaborative skills and business acumen that allow analytics and number crunching to drive growth.
You’ll be treated to thought-provoking approaches to demand planning, including how Liberal Arts can provide a solid foundation for success in this field, and how soft-skills are key to not only collaborating with business partners, but also in driving your own success.
The lead article is especially important because it deals with the transition from forecast analyst to data science. For those looking to evolve in the artificial intelligence and machine learning age, it is a must-read, and provides very practical advice from somebody who has made the move already.
Featured Articles:
- IBF Calendar 2019
U.S. Economy Continues to Reveal Productive Capacity Despite No Innovation
By Jamal Nahavandi
GDP Predictive Analytics Show Deepening in Global Slowdown
By Evangelos Otto Simos
How Art and Science Converge and Collide To Create A Better Demand Planning Team
By Elizaveta Shafir, CPF
From Liberal Arts to Demand Planning: An Unexpected Journey
By Rebekah Haynes, CPF
Lessons Learned From The Diverse Demand Planning World
By Erin Marchant
Why Forecast Accuracy Is Hiding The Truth About Performance
By Marie Groenlund
Performance Indicators Help, But Only When Computed and Used Correctly
By Misty Eldridge
10 Ways to Be a Better Demand Planner
By Cynthia Schulz, ACPF
The Path To Becoming A Data Scientist
By Corina Salagean
Letter from the Editor
By Chaman L. Jain