There are siloed functions with little information sharing. Strategy is top-down and not connected between functions, or not shared outside of the executive team. People are focused on themselves and company rewards firefighting over holistic solutions.
There is some internal collaboration between functions and some transparency of data, KPI's, and communication. Strategy is top-down and communicated at least annually in goal setting or in the annual review.
People seek alignment and holistic solutions and these ideals are encouraged and cultivated. There is a culture of trust and collaboration where cross-functional teams share information and there is collaboration with external partners.
Strategies are part of the S&OP process and communicated within the cadence of those meetings. Goals and performance are communicated to the business.
People generally embrace risks as opportunities and roles are considered shared functional responsibilities. There is strong collaboration and all levels and functions communicate clearly and effectively.
Active corporate communication engages employees and fosters transparency. Strategy is influenced by S&OP processes and S&OP is fully integrated and visible.
S&OP is a newer process and no formalized and shared set goals or objectives stated for the process. Currently there is little formal, consistent process in place and S&OP is not treated as the primary, or a primary, focus of your organization.
There is a formal S&OP process, albeit not followed cross-functionally. There is a formalized objective or process charter in place to guide the process. S&OP is driven by either supply or demand and for the most part still a functional process.
S&OP is an important part of the organization. The process is well-structured and widely considered to add value.
Teams are specialized and roles are based on core competencies and business needs. Formal internal and external training programs that enable continuous development are in place.
S&OP is considered an essential business process and is a key part of each function's activities.
World-class development programs are in place and responsibilities are clearly articulated and aligned with enterprise strategy.
There are no identified process owners, a lack of sponsorship from business executives, and participants are unclear as to their roles and responsibilities.
An S&OP lead or facilitator role is established but that person maintains responsibilities in other areas. There is some executive sponsorship and potentially some executive participation at meetings. There is increasingly active involvement from other functions.
There is a designated S&OP process owner and active involvement from other functions including supply chain, sales, and finance. Roles and responsibilities within the S&OP process are clearly defined.
Sponsorship comes from the highest level (CEO or COO) and upper management is very knowledgeable and actively engaged.
There is a dedicated function with a process owner and lead. There is integration of all key functional area processes and may include additional areas such as HR, IT, and others.
You have full C-suite level executive sponsorship and participation. Executive S&OP meetings are considered essential and are the primary business management meeting for the CEO.