Essentials of Monetary and Fiscal Economics, 1995
by Chaman L. Tomic, Igor M. Jain
- Money in Today's Economy
- The Financial System, Its Markets and Institutions
- Definition of Money Supply
- Determinants of Money Supply
- Money Supply Model
- Money Demand Models from Fisher to Keynes
- Models of Money Demand from Baumol to Gurley and Shaw
- Interaction Between the Supply of and Demand for Money
- Five Economic Philosophies
- Linkage Between Money and Economic Activity
- Theory of Monetary Indicators and Targets
- Theory of Inflation
- Keynesians Vs. Monetarists: Policy Issues
- National Goals
- Origin of the Federal Reserve System
- Organization of the Federal Reserve System
- General Instruments of Monetary Controls
- Selective Controls and Moral Suasion
- Decision Making Process in the Federal Reserve System
- Problems of Monetary Policy
- Regulations of Financial Institutions
- Depository Institution Crisis and the Congress' Response
- Fiscal Multipliers
- Making Fiscal Policy Effective
- Organization of the Executive Branch and Congress
- Tools of Fiscal Policy
- Decision Making Process Within the Executive Branch and Congress
- Problems of Fiscal Policy
Eric Wilson, CPFDirector - Thought LeadershipInstitute of Business Forecasting & Planning