Town Hall: Leveraging Macroeconomic & External Data For Better Forecasting
Katie Allen
Lead Operational Data Scientist
Essilor of America
Katie leads the Operational Data Science function at Essilor, where she oversees forecasting and capacity management for Essilor's 85 production facilities. Prior to this, she worked as a Technology Business Analyst for State Farm. Katie hold a degree in Mathematics from the University of Alabama and a master's in Analytics from Villanova University.
Rich Wagner
Founder, President & Chief Product Officer
Rich helps companies to look beyond their own walls for key external drivers of financial performance. Utilizing millions of global metrics from data powerhouses like Nielsen, NASDAQ and the Federal Reserve, Rich has uniquely positioned Prevedere as a complementary solution to existing forecasting platforms by correlating external economic factors to corporate performance. Under Rich’s leadership, Prevedere has been named a “Cool Vendor in Information Innovation” by Gartner and an FP&A Innovation Awards winner in Forecasting and Planning.
Joe Cervino
Regional Manager, Sales and Operations Planning
Bayer Consumer Health
Joe Cervino has over 30 years of experience in the Supply Chain Management field and is currently the North American Regional Manager for S&OP at Bayer Consumer Health. He has designed and implemented Executive S&OP and IBP processes for a number of companies in the CPG, Biotech, Pharmaceuticals and Aerospace/Defence industries. His areas of expertise are S&OP ownership, demand planning, strategic management, CMO/3PL management, and production and capacity planning to name just a few.
Kendell Churchwell, ACPF
Senior Marketing Data Analyst
Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company
Kendell Churchwell is a senior analyst with Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance where she is responsible for the implementation of marketing predictive analytics projects. Her career started at IBM as an IT specialist before moving on to business analysis and analytics roles at C Spire where she spent 10 years. She is a Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®, INFORMS), a certified IBM SPSS Modeler Professional, and Project Management Professional (PMP). Kendell has BS in Mathematics and Computer Science and an MBA from Mississippi State University.
Eric Wilson, ACPF
Director – Thought Leadership
Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning
Eric is a predictive analytics and business planning innovator, author, and speaker. He is the Director of Thought Leadership at the IBF. Prior to this he worked as the Director of Demand Planning at Escalade Sports, Director of Demand Planning at Berry Plastics, and Director of Demand Planning & S&OP at Tempur Sealy International. In 2016, he received the Excellence in Business Forecasting & Planning award from the IBF. He is an IBF Advanced Certified Professional Forecaster (ACPF) with over 20 years of experience. Eric is a visionary in his field, a frequent speaker and panelist for many executive forums and professional conferences, and has written numerous articles in publications such as The Journal of Business Forecasting and APICS Magazine. He is also the author of the books Cultural Cycles and Predictive Analytics for Business Forecasting & Planning.
How does the wider economy impact your demand? What about competitor activity and weather? In this value-added town hall, we dive into the role of macroeconomic and other external variables in forecasting, and how to include these demand drivers into your process. Leading experts will reveal their best practices with takeaways for your own planning process.
We will discuss:
  • Incorporating external drivers into your forecasts and plans
  • Identifying which economic and industry drivers impact your business
  • Looking beyond sales and times series data to find new insights
  • How machine learning, intelligent forecasting and other technologies are changing demand forecasting
  • Which industries are benefiting most from predictive analytics
  • How to use predictive analytics to improve forecasting and become more agile
  • Whether you need to be a data scientist to leverage predictive analytics, and if it is a good use of a planner’s time
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