Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks: Fixing Shortcomings To Bring S&OP Up To Date
Eric Wilson, ACPF
Director – Thought Leadership
Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning
Eric is a predictive analytics and business planning innovator, author, and speaker. He is the Director of Thought Leadership at the IBF. Prior to this he worked as the Director of Demand Planning at Escalade Sports, Director of Demand Planning at Berry Plastics, and Director of Demand Planning & S&OP at Tempur Sealy International. In 2016, he received the Excellence in Business Forecasting & Planning award from the IBF. He is an IBF Advanced Certified Professional Forecaster (ACPF) with over 20 years of experience. Eric is a visionary in his field, a frequent speaker and panelist for many executive forums and professional conferences, and has written numerous articles in publications such as The Journal of Business Forecasting and APICS Magazine. He is also the author of the books Cultural Cycles and Predictive Analytics for Business Forecasting & Planning.

The S&OP process is over 30 years old. Since then, market dynamics have significantly changed but the process has not, meaning there are shortcomings that need to be addressed to reflect today’s reality. These include having inadequate mechanisms to effectively manage demand for new products; not having a strategy to replace well-established core products that are now rapidly fading away; not having a strategy to deal with ever-increasing Supply Chain disruptions; and failing to adapt to new channels of distribution like eCommerce. In this session, we will show what’s lacking in many S&OP processes, with practical takeaways to bring your S&OP up to date and turn it into a driver of efficiency and growth.

You will learn:
  • Why and how to manage supply chain disruptions within the S&OP process
  • How to optimize opportunities in the fast emerging eCommerce channel
  • How to capitalize on new products with S&OP and why core products are fading away faster, and what to do about it
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