Over the past 4 years, we have been managing the transformation of S&OP at Petronas Lubricants International. The scale of this project was vast, which necessitated not only a sound understanding of the S&OP process, but a solid approach to project management and company-wide change management. This hands-on session will explain our journey of shaping strategy, implementing new business processes for S&OP stakeholders and managing change for all those related to the process (most people in the company). We will discuss not only the process and tools but also the all-important changes in culture and mindset that are required to inspire adoption of S&OP across different regions. I will share our story, complete with challenges, problems, and practical tips to help you with your own journey.
Sven Smets will also share cutting-edge S&OP, Analytics, Data Science and Demand Planning insights at IBF’s Business Planning, Forecasting & S&OP Conference: Europe in Amsterdam, Netherlands (14–16 November, 2018).