IBF Roundtable: You're Hired! Employment Trends & Tips
Lori Anter, MBA, CPF
Director of Sales Inventory, and Operations Planning
MacDermid Alpha

Lori has over 25 years’ experience in Global Planning and S&OP having served in multiple leadership roles at Element Solutions/MacDermid Alpha, Cardinal Health, Honeywell and Hasbro. She has a proven history of driving successful results in S&OP implementations, leading teams, developing talent, and managing cross-functional relationships. Lori’s background also includes several complex multi system conversions into a single forecasting software solution. She holds an MBA with a focus on Logistics, Planning and Supply Chain Management from Bryant University and is an IBF Certified Professional.

James Bleyer
Director of Planning & Procurement
Kitchen Cabinet Distributors
With over 20 years of experience in the demand planning and supply chain fields, James Bleyer has built and grown world-class teams with organizations such as Philips Consumer Lifestyles, Benjamin Moore Pain, and Tempur-Sealy. He has led turn-around initiatives in many organizations and implemented formal demand planning and supply chain teams in others. He is currently Director of Planning and Procurement at Kitchen Cabinet Distributors, James is a graduate of the State University of New York – Rockland.
Aaron Wehner
Director of Supply Chain Planning, Global Plumbing Group
Aaron is the Director of supply chain planning for the global plumbing group of Men where he leads the supply chain planning team of over 35 managers and associates. His team’s responsibilities span from Demand Management, Global Inventory and Capacity Planning, Master Scheduling, Materials Planning, and the end to end Global Sales & Operations Planning Process. He began his education at The Ohio State University and went on to get his MBA at Bellarmine University. Since then he has had a rich career as a demand manager and director designing and deploying demand planning processes, developing teams, and providing leadership.
Jason Breault
Managing Director
LifeWork Search
Mr. Breault is the Managing Director of LifeWork Search, a Management Recruiting firm. Jason has worked with leading soft goods, hard goods, and food and beverage companies—ranging in size from $50 million to $20 billion—to identify top talent in areas like demand planning, supply planning, operations planning, production planning, and S&OP. He is a board member of the New England chapter of IBF. He has also spoken at several APICS and IBF events and appeared in several SupplyChainBrain.com videos on the subject of Talent Management. Jason spent more than five years at AMR Research in Boston (now Gartner), a leading research and advisory organization focusing on the supply chain best practices and applications being leveraged to help cut costs and increase revenues.
Eric Wilson, ACPF
Director – Thought Leadership
Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning
Eric is a predictive analytics and business planning innovator, author, and speaker. He is the Director of Thought Leadership at the IBF. Prior to this he worked as the Director of Demand Planning at Escalade Sports, Director of Demand Planning at Berry Plastics, and Director of Demand Planning & S&OP at Tempur Sealy International. In 2016, he received the Excellence in Business Forecasting & Planning award from the IBF. He is an IBF Advanced Certified Professional Forecaster (ACPF) with over 20 years of experience. Eric is a visionary in his field, a frequent speaker and panelist for many executive forums and professional conferences, and has written numerous articles in publications such as The Journal of Business Forecasting and APICS Magazine. He is also the author of the books Cultural Cycles and Predictive Analytics for Business Forecasting & Planning.

IBF’s new roundtable discussions feature world-leading experts and thought leaders in forecasting and demand planning. The first roundtable in this series brings together recruiters, hiring professionals, managers, and practitioners to debate and provide their insights on the state of employment in forecasting and planning.

Designed for both hiring managers and jobseekers/practitioners, we’ll talk about current employment conditions and how companies are reacting to current economic challenges, and what the employment landscape looks like going forward. We’ll ask whether the role of demand planner can be done remotely and provide some tips you can use to give yourself an edge in the job market and stand out at interviews. And of course, we will answer your questions about building your teams, finding your next role, getting the most out of your next job, and more.

You will learn:
  • Recent trends for employers and attracting talent
  • Changing workspaces and if remote work is now feasible in our field
  • Salary studies and new types of positions being developed
  • Tips to become more competitive in the job market
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