"Enhancing the Telecommunications Decision Support Process"
In the evolving telecommunications industry, new products and services are driving the industry at an ever expanding pace. ATM, Frame Relay, DSL, PCS, MMDS, etc. will, or have become, major drivers of revenue in a remarkably short period of time. At Sprint, the finance decision support group helps the marketing and technology organizations allocate limited resources more effectively to those key investment opportunities. By utilizing the power of today's robust software tools, we are better able to support the decisions around new key technology initiatives by leveraging relevant historical information. This workshop will utilize a case study concept, where process details, and specific examples will be developed and demonstrated to workshop participants. Participants should walk away with a concrete understanding of software aided financial forecasting techniques and skills in the emerging markets area of telecommunications.
Project Manager, Emerging Markets Finance
Senior Analyst
"ABC's of Statistical Forecasting Techniques as Applied to the Utility Industry"
This workshop will provide an overview of forecasting methods and how they are used in the utility industry. The first part of the session will focus on regression and advanced neural network models. Participants will gain a solid understanding of these forecasting methods and procedures for selecting the best method based on forecasting power. The second part of the session will cover applications, such as monthly sales and peak forecasting, next-day load forecasting, and spot-market price forecasting. Each application will be illustrated with an example. Recommended methods and procedures will also be identified.
VP, Northeast Office
VP of Forecasting